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PORTUGAL | ![]() |
The Portuguese Semi-Finals were held at the RTP TV Studios in Lisbon, hosted by Isabel Angelino. The finalists were chosen by televoting.
Semi-Final 1 - January 25th
1 | Canto de esperar | I sing to wait | Carlos Coincas | - |
2 | Nosso canto chão | Our motherland's singing | Oriundi | 1st |
3 | Não vou chorar | I won't cry | Paulo Sorsa | - |
Semi-Final 2 - February 1st
1 | Gaivotas de um mar revolto | Seagirl of a turbulent sea | Carla Pires | - |
2 | África | Africa | Vanda Charbla | - |
3 | Quando eu te beijo | When I kiss you | Raquel Alão | 1st |
Semi-Final 3 - February 8th
1 | Senhora da saia verde | Lady in the green skirt | Cristina Almeida | 1st |
2 | Sons de festa | Party sounds | Paulo Caetano | - |
3 | Pedra dura | Hard stone | Água Mole | - |
Semi-Final 4 - February 15th
1 | Sonhos de verão | Summer dreams | Paula Cardoso & Carlos Ançã | - |
2 | Madrigal de Lianor | Lianor's lullaby | Telmo Miranda | 1st |
3 | Menino de rua | Streetboy | Carlos Alberto Vidal | - |
Semi-Final 5 - February 22nd
1 | Rosa dos ventos | Rose of the wind | Susana Pinto | 1st |
2 | Quadro sonhador | Dreamer picture | Filipa Lourenço | - |
3 | Corrente da terra mãe | The current of mother earth |
Isabel Viana |
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