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YUGOSLAVIA | ![]() |
The Yugoslav Semi-Finals were held on March 1st & 2nd. The finalists were chosen by a jury of 40 people, who gave each song a "Yes" or "No" depending on whether they wanted to see the song qualify for the final. It is not known which songs took part in which semi-final.
1 | Pisi mi | Write to me | Boba Stefanovic | - |
2 | Etida | Etude | Korni Grupa | F |
3 | Ukrast cu te | I'll steal you | Zafir Hadzimanov | F |
4 | Stara reko | Old river | Drago Diklic | - |
5 | Dok te gledam | While I'm watching you | Vlada & Bajka | F |
6 | Odiseja | Odyssey | Dalibor Brun | F |
7 | Slisis, skoljka poje ti | Do you hear, a shell is singing to you | Elda Viler | F |
8 | Kot nekdo ki se upa | As someone who still has hope | Edvin Fliser | - |
9 | Razkrij se mi dekle | Disclose yourself girl | Srce | - |
10 | Mlade oci | Young eyes | Ditka Haberl | - |
11 | Mnogo srecnih let od tod | Many happy years away | Oto Pestner | - |
12 | Zeleno sonce | Green sun | Janko Ropret | - |
13 | Nekoc, nekje | Sometime, somewhere | Majda Sepe | F |
14 | Sjeti se mene | Remember me | Biserka Spevec | - |
15 | Ako slusas ovu pesmu | If you listen to this song | Milan Mutavdzic | - |
16 | Nikad te sresti nisam smela | I was never allowed to meet you | Nina Spirova | - |
17 | E vetmja dashuri | Only love | Nexmija Pagarusha | - |
18 | Ushton mali | Call of the forest | Ljiljana Çavoli | - |
19 | Gori vatra | The fire is burning | Zdravko Colic | F |
20 | Kao reka | Like a river | Ambasadori | - |
21 | Gdje si sad | Where are you now | Mahir Palos | - |
22 | Djeca ljubavi | Children of love | Indeksi | - |
23 | Prica o nama | Story about us | Jadranka Stojakovic | F |
24 | Majko | Mother | Lena Trajkovska | - |
25 | Stara gitara | Old guitar | Zoran Georgiev | - |
26 | Nezno, nezno | Gently, gently | Danijela Pancetovic & Zoran Milosavljevic | - |
27 | Koga si sama | When you are alone | Dragan Mijalkovski | - |
28 | O galebi beli | Oh white seagulls | Dime Popovski | - |
29 | Elegija | Elegija | Hrvoje Hegedusic, Srdjan & Buco | F |
30 | Zasto si otisao | Why did you leave | Nevia Rigutto | - |
31 | Divno je | It's nice | Ivo Robic | - |
32 | Moja draga spava | My darling is sleeping | Mladen Kozjak | - |
33 | Mala iz III.b | Girl from class III.b | Neda, Dario & Miljenko | F |
34 | Pusti me da odem | Let me go | Zdenka Vuckovic | - |
35 | Voljela je svirati Bacha | She liked to play Bach | Delfini | F |
36 | Poljubi me za sretan put | Kiss me for a bon voyage | Krunoslav Slabinac | F |