The German semi-final was broadcast on several radio stations, and around 300 people were selected by a German polling institute to select the 12 finalists. The semi-final was in two separate parts which were broadcast on different days.

 Part One

1 I werd' des Gfühl net los I can't get rid of that feeling ReBop


2 Kinder der Erde Children of the earth Danny Fischer F
3 Hier, da und überall Here, there and everywhere Günther Stern F
4 König und Dame King and Queen Silvia F
5 Also lebe ich I am also alive Wolff Gerhard F
6 Wir werden nicht immer glücklich sein We won't be happy forever Giorgia Lauda


7 Für alle For everyone Wind F
8 Grün grün grün Green green green Caro Pukke F
9 Zeit Time Armin Hagen & Christina Harrison


10 Der Wind von Palermo The wind from Palermo Bernd Clüver F

Part Two

1 Du bist da You are there Conny & Jean F
2 Am Anfang der Zeit At the beginning of time Jürgen Renfordt F
3 Der Engel, der aus der Hölle kam The angel that came from hell Mel Sarko


4 Einmal im Leben Once in life Christian Franke


5 Die Glocken von Rom The bells of Rome Heike Schäfer F
6 Utopia Utopia Monitor


7 Zu lange gewartet Waited too long Regina Simon


8 Die Küsten der Nacht The coasts of the night Pete Wyoming Bender


9 Sehnsucht nach einem Gefühl Longing for a feeling Susan Schubert F
10 Solange wir träumen, leben wir As long as we dream, we're alive MoMo F