The German semi-final was broadcast on several radio stations, and around 500 people were selected by a German polling institute to select the 12 finalists. The semi-final was in two separate parts which were broadcast on different days.
Part One |
1 | Blue-Jeans-Kinder | Blue-Jeans-Children | Marianne Rosenberg | F |
2 | Endlich sind die Kinder im Bett | The children are finally in bed | Henry Valentino | - |
3 | Ich glaub' an meine Träume | I believe in my dreams | Séverine | F |
4 | Ich würde gerne bei dir sein | I would love to be with you | Jürgen Marcus | F |
5 | Jedes Ziel kann ein neuer Anfang sein | Every aim can be a new beginning | Claus Mathias | - |
6 | Lüg' mich an | Lie to me | Isabell Varell | - |
7 | Nach all den wilden Jahren | After all those wild years | Wolfgang Frank | - |
8 | Die Nacht der Lüge | The night of lies | Denise | F |
9 | Nur ein Lied | Just a song | Melanie Sanders | - |
10 | Ohne Maske | Without a mask | Angelika Milster | - |
11 | Der Ohrwurm | The ear worm | Gottlieb Wendehals | F |
12 | Wie Phönix aus der Asche | Like a phoenix from the ashes | Jennifer Kemp | F |
Part Two |
1 | Peter Pan | Peter Pan | Paola | F |
2 | Schenk' mir eine Nacht | Give me one night | Mel Jersey | F |
3 | Fantasie | Fantasy | Susan Avilés | - |
4 | So wie du bist | The way you are | Gaby Baginsky | F |
5 | Alles egal | No matter | Betriebsausflug | - |
6 | Lady Rock'n'Roll | Lady Rock'n'Roll | Ute Berling | - |
7 | Arktis Lady | Arctic lady | Frank Rothe | - |
8 | Kalte Insel | Cold island | The Days | - |
9 | Da helfen keine Pillen | No pills work for that | Kaputt | - |
10 | Lady | Lady | Mary Roos & David Hanselmann | F |
11 | Ein bisschen Frieden | A little peace | Nicole | F |
12 | Nun sag' schon Adieu | Say farewell now | Hannes Schöner | F |