"Nur die Liebe lässt uns leben" - Mary Roos

"Only love lets us live, days in bright sunshine"

The German Final was held on February 19th at TV Studios in Berlin, hosted by Karin Tietze-Ludwig & Renate Bauer. The winning song was chosen by an "expert" jury in two rounds of voting - the first to select the top 4 and the second to select the winner.

1 Meine Liebe will ich dir geben I want to give you my love Edina Pop 27



2 Ich setze auf dich I go for you Teddy Parker 18



3 Die größte Manege der Welt The greatest ring on earth Olivia Molina 20



4 Geh' die Straße Walk the street Cindy & Bert 41 3 2nd=
5 Halleluja man Halleluja man Marion Maerz 30



6 Mein Geschenk an dich My gift to you Adrian Wolf 13



7 Glaub an dich selbst Believe in yourself Su Kramer 38 3 2nd=
8 Gute Nacht Freunde Good night friends Inga & Wolf 38 0


9 Das Leben beginnt jeden Tag Life begins every day Sandra 27



10 Grenzenlos Without any limits Sven Jenssen 19



11 Nur die Liebe lässt uns leben Only love lets us live Mary Roos 40 4


12 Wann kommt der Morgen When does the morning come Peter Horton 27



Mary Roos came 3rd at the ESC.