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BELGIUM | ![]() |
The Belgian Semi-Finals were held at the Amerikaans Theater in Brussels, hosted by Luc Appermont. After all 3 semi-finals had been broadcast there was a 4th programme on March 1st which showed a recap of each song - after this the public could vote for their favourites by filling out Lotto forms. The top 10 qualified for the final.
Semi-Final 1 - February 14th
1 | Mij kan niets meer gebeuren | Nothing can happen to me anymore | Della Bosiers | - |
2 | Als men iemand zo bemint | When you love somebody that much | Ronald | - |
3 | Dag meneer | Hello Sir | Jacky Lafon | - |
4 | Gummibal | Rubberball | Jef Elbers | - |
5 | De wereld is een showtoneel | The world is a stage | Fancy Free | F |
6 | De wereld draait | The world turns | Jo Vally | - |
7 | Twee is te veel | Two is too many | Anne-Marie | - |
8 | Topconditie | Perfect condition | John Sates | - |
9 | De opera | The opera | De Opera | F |
10 | Zing het maar | Try to sing it | Gene Summer | F |
11 | Compagnie verliefd | Company in love | Perte Totale | - |
12 | Op dat kamertje voor ons twee | In that little room for the two of us | Johnny White | - |
Semi-Final 2 - February 21st
1 | In mijn armen | In my arms | Jennifer | - |
2 | Vanavond en vannacht | This evening and tonight | Rik Heylen Groep | - |
3 | Veel te veel | Way too many | Stella | F |
4 | Het ware geluk | True happiness | Dorina | - |
5 | Daar waar liefde is | There where love is | Patty Devick | - |
6 | Ik ben verliefd | I am in love | Cindy | - |
7 | Liefde is... | Love is... | Mary Helena | - |
8 | Elke traan | Each tear | Bea Cardon | - |
9 | Eens was het anders | It used to be different | Peter En Zout | - |
10 | Dromen bouwen | Building dreams | Ria Geraerts | - |
11 | Ik ben gelukkig | I am happy | Ann Michel | F |
12 | Zonder jou | Without you | Claire | - |
Semi-Final 3 - February 28th
1 | Hello, hello | Hello, hello | Johan Stollz | F |
2 | Blij bij je te zijn | Happy to be with you | Nancy Dee | - |
3 | Ik ga weg van jou | I am leaving you | Mary Scott | - |
4 | Marianne uit vroeger dagen | Marianne of the old days | Mark Manuel | - |
5 | Zaterdagavond | Saturday evening | Kathy & Nancy | - |
6 | Samson & Delilah | Samson & Delilah | Emly Starr | F |
7 | Bonnie | Bonnie | Lester & Denwood | F |
8 | Dit wijsje vond ik in jouw ogen | I found this melody in your eyes | Lode de Ceuster | - |
9 | Ik kom terug | I will return | Mik Deboes | - |
10 | Talisman | Talisman | Venus | F |
11 | Brussel | Brussels | Liliane St. Pierre | F |
12 | Er was een tijd | There used to be days | Karin Setter | - |
Nancy Dee was a backing singer for Belgium at ESC 1979.